We believe in becoming an integral part of the work in which we get involved, that is our passion and commitment

FINMASST is a team of experts who understands the matter at hand and contrives the way forward. Broadly, from  management to consultancy is what we cover.

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We believe in becoming an integral part of the work in which we get involved, that is our passion and commitment

FINMASST is a team of experts who understands the matter at hand and contrives the way forward. Broadly, from  management to consultancy is what we cover.

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Consultancy and Planning

Project Management

SME Support

Wealth Management

Most of the Entrepreneurs, Businessmen, &
Investors with whom we engage

Have Common Questions ……

Can we handle matters

Do we really create

Have we efficiently availed

Our answer is

“That is why we are in touch with you!”

Our Vision & Mission

is to support yours!

Our Services

Consultancy and Planning

Our consultancy and planning services bring the essential insights into the ring with the support of experts in the relevant subject area. One of our key strengths is the access to unique expertise  that is required for successful consultation and planning, be it strategic management or financial planning.

SMART planning is easier said than done,  which is why you will need a partner like us to execute planning with the right approach and acumen!

We can collaborate with you or your organization to set the plan.

Project Management

Projects usually leads to waste owing to several reasons ranging from absence of  experience  to presence of over confidence or less concentration on legal barriers to ignorance of cultural norms. While we place paramount importance to the three pillars of project management: Scope, Cost and Time, we understand that these pillars of the “iron triangle” needs to be well defined before the implementation of the project.

Such prerequisite, at times, is ignored which usually causes the failures!

We provide consultancy and handle projects with a high degree of agility and work from scratch, start to finish. We provide consultancy and handle projects with a high degree of agility and work from scratch, start to finish.

SME Support

SMEs are generally believed to drive the economy. While this is accepted as the general truth, the constant struggles faced by the majority of SMEs in financial management and strategy implementation, marketing, sales and statutory compliance cripple the growth.

Our SME support services cover wide range of aspects that are required for organic growth or exponential jump!

We work with SMEs who seriously aspire to grow.

Wealth Management

Both, creation and management of wealth is no easy task. Our experts will assist institutions and individuals to prudently manage wealth using available options in the market and further grow.

We are quite capable of analyzing the current trends and predicting future values!

Our decisions are supported by facts and figures, we do not leave room for unpredictable risks.


Our planning services  bring the essential insights into the ring with the support of experts in the relevant subject area .One of our key strengths is the access to expertise and knowledge that are required for successful planning ,be it wealth management or financial planning .

SMART planning is easier said than done,  which is why you will need a partner like us to execute planning with the right approach and acumen !

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Service #1
We can collaborate with you or your organization to set the plan.
Service #1


Our planning services  bring the essential insights into the ring with the support of experts in the relevant subject area .One of our key strengths is the access to expertise and knowledge that are required for successful planning ,be it wealth management or financial planning .

SMART planning is easier said than done,  which is why you will need a partner like us to execute planning with the right approach and acumen !

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Pedro Whitney
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Maggie Kelly